European Association of Social Psychology
Summer School

17-30 August 2014
ISCTE-IUL | ICS-UL Lisbon Portugal

Michael Hogg (Claremont Graduate University) & José Marques (FPCE-UP)


Framed broadly by a social identity analysis, and specifically by, uncertainty-identity theory, the social identity theory of leadership and subjective group dynamics theory, this workshop focuses on the intra- and intergroup dynamics of group prototypicality and deviance – the causes and consequences of being, or being perceived as, a more or less prototypical group member, or as violating norms that sustain positive social identity. In particular we will explore the influence processes associated with prototypicality, leadership, and people’s reactions to ingroup deviants. Our goal in this EASP Summer School workshop is to create collaborative research groups to design and operationalize studies to run and submit for publication as quickly as possible, and lay the ground work for enduring international collaborative research links.